The Band
Tim Smith - Lead vocals and guitar |
I was in a band with Tim for three and ahalf years, so when the time came to choose a frontman for the video i was on the phone to him straight away. With so much stage experience in rock and metal music i knew he could deliver the words so much more effectively and believably than anyone else i knew, arguably the most important role in the entire video so it was vital i found someone who could play all the parts with ease and confidence. For his costume i told him to wear the same kind of clothes he would have worn when performing in our banD, a heavy metal band t shirt (preferably black) jeans and hsi beanie, as this was also for a while something that Ville Valo lead singer of HIM famously wore.
Oli Pierce - Bass |
Oli also has stage experience aswell as having a beautiful Fender Precision bass guitar, these two factors were enough to choose oli to play bass in the video. for his costume i simply told him to not wear anything to light and cheerful as he would usually wear but instead to wear as musch dark clothing as possible, resulting in him wearing a black t shirt and black jeans.
Tom Farmery - Drums |
A good friend of mine, Tom doesn't have much experience on the drums but his exhuberance and enthusiasm were unarguable and unmatchable, resulting in a great shoot. I told Tom to wear whatever he chose as i have found, certainly in HIM's case too that the the drummer is often an oddity at the back, with his own style and fashion, so i felt no need to give him any sort of uniform.
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